Ill agree that ferguson was more discussed than eric garners situation but nobody says dick? its pretty big still.
this one means much more, imo, because unlike the michael brown case, this evidence is in HD right there on the spot. theres no arguing it at all - the cop strangled eric to death and is clear of any charges.
the school server for student web pages just mixed up all of my image locations, so now it displays nothing but text. absolutely no idea how this happened but I just passed the deadline, so lets see if I dont completely unexpectedly receive an f in this class now...
my roommate has 5 different alarms set within 5 minutes of eachother (each with different ringtone) and he sleeps them all multiple times. If you wanted to get up so badly that you set 5 alarms, get the fuck up.
Last night my roommate was snoring so loud it was shaking the room while I was trying to fall asleep. I coughed loudly hoping it would bring him out of the deep sleep a little to readjust and not snore. Nope. So I say his name. Snore. I say his name louder. Snore. I yell his name. Snore. I yell it a few more times. Snore. Neighbors hit their wall to tell me to stop yelling. I flicker the lights. Snore. I shake him. Snore. I shake him again. He wakes up confused. I tell him he was fubar. He acts pissy and rolls over.
I totally would. You want to fuck, do it someplace else.
At least my brother's roommate asked my brother before he started having sex. Straight up asked my brother if he'd care if he had sex in their room. My brother said "no", and his roommate obliged. His roommate still fills my brother's fridge with beer and room with junk and bongs though.
> everyone talks about it
>dude gets myrdered on TV
>no one says dick
i fucking hate this country
this one means much more, imo, because unlike the michael brown case, this evidence is in HD right there on the spot. theres no arguing it at all - the cop strangled eric to death and is clear of any charges.
a month ago.
from la.
One more week.
The fucking part I'd have a huge problem with. I'd definitely have to have a talk with him if I found out he was having sex in our room.
At least my brother's roommate asked my brother before he started having sex. Straight up asked my brother if he'd care if he had sex in their room. My brother said "no", and his roommate obliged. His roommate still fills my brother's fridge with beer and room with junk and bongs though.
hopefully your brother does a bong.