I find it funny when white people sit in their nice homes and judge from what they see on TV saying, "these black people need to stop acting like animals. destroying property, looting etc" funny thing is in a few hours they'll be doing the same thing trying to get a flat screen for $100 after earlier saying what they were thankful for. Lo fucking l
Buying your own shit isnt the same as feeling entitled to steal from others or destroy somebody's business. Your supposed to build up your community, not tear it down.
This should be an issue of police irresponsiblity. Not race. The media is playing up the race thing. But people of all ethnicities die everyday and nobody gives a shit.
Also, what I was trying to say the other day was basically what Jim Gordon is.
I'm already done with my resume. It's not gonna matter that much anyways, I've only been applying to other window washing jobs which is almost a sure thing since I have a bunch of experience. My current company is out of season until February so I'm looking for one that goes year round. I'm just hoping for something closer to $15 an hour.
I am going to kill the person across the hall from me. He is blasting one of the most annoying songs I have ever heard. Just one part of the song over and over and over. Been going on for three hours already.
Thats racist. Ban plz.
Also, what I was trying to say the other day was basically what Jim Gordon is.
Nor does it get anyone a new flat screen.
>Trying to update resume
>Goes to a website that says CREATE A RESUME FOR FREE
>Takes me half an hour to fill all this shit out
>Finally done
>"That's gonna $2.95, enter credit card info here."
>Fucking kill yourself