And fear of walking out your door? What are we in the middle east or Africa? You live on a college campus, surrounded by people. What is going to happen to you? What is there to fear. Jesus fuck.
I honestly didn't even care about the other comments you made, but this one is lame dude. Sexual assault is a pretty big deal on college campuses. I can't tell you how many stories I've heard from female friends as to why they don't like to go anywhere alone. They get hit on by creeps, touched, dudes try to give them their numbers and shit, it's weird. Like, to me I don't care cause I'm never being fucked with, and even if I was, I could still over-power most any chick I encounter (or out run them if they're bigger than me somehow). Girls don't have that sense of security.
And anecdotal stories aside, just look at the stats of sexual assault on college campuses, it's pretty staggering. Plus you always gotta take into account the fact that a lot of cases aren't reported due to fear, embarrassment, etc. That's not to say guys can't get harassed/assaulted too either btw, as that's a whole other issue in itself, since there's an even worse stigma attached to those cases. But anyways, I'm just tired of the over-simplification and relying on your own experience when you really can't relate to it at all.
I dont believe the stats. Girls have the tendency to get drunk and have sex, and feel guilty about it and call that rape or sexual assault. Those kinds of reports are not differentiated in the sexual assault statistics. Those kinds of reports screw it. In my three years in college now, I've heard of one case of rape in my school, and amongst my peers. And it happened before I got there. I highly doubt its as prominent as girls make it seem.
And as much as you, and girls, dont like to hear it, as far as being hit on, and whatever they should take into account what they are wearing, and that some dudes might just be awkward in trying to ask them out. I've had female friends admit that they should have dressed less provocatively after creepy encounters.
Sure they should be allowed to dress however they want, but when they know its an issue, they might as well take that into consideration. Not to mention they dress that way for attention (they can say they dress that way for themselves, and don't want attention, they're not fooling me) so they shouldn't bitch when dudes give them attention.
Well shit, I'm sold. I love the trifecta of your reliance of anecdotal observation, self pity, and denial to create such a compelling argument.
*toasts a Mountain Dew to our king gentlesir*
Why are my thoughts less valid than yours? Because it goes against your textbook train of thought? Im sorry, but I straight up consider myself an anti-feminist and anti-SJW at this point. They're irrational, illogical hypocrites who have dug their own grave.
Its straight up gotten to the point I will never physically compliment a girl ever again, because I know they'll perceive me as creepy or objectifying or that I'm just trying to sweet talk them to get into their pants.
Well they don't. And thats the point. Yes, I fully agree guys SHOULD have self control. But they dont. So why increase your chances of being assaulted?
People shouldn't steal or murder, but they do. So you lock your doors, and avoid alleys at night, carry a gun for your own protection. People shouldn't kidnap, but they do. So you keep an eye on your kids when they go out to play.
Its like a rich businessman walking down in the southside in a nice business suit, and money falling out of his pockets. He's begging to be mugged.
>doesn't take
I honestly didn't even care about the other comments you made, but this one is lame dude. Sexual assault is a pretty big deal on college campuses. I can't tell you how many stories I've heard from female friends as to why they don't like to go anywhere alone. They get hit on by creeps, touched, dudes try to give them their numbers and shit, it's weird. Like, to me I don't care cause I'm never being fucked with, and even if I was, I could still over-power most any chick I encounter (or out run them if they're bigger than me somehow). Girls don't have that sense of security.
And anecdotal stories aside, just look at the stats of sexual assault on college campuses, it's pretty staggering. Plus you always gotta take into account the fact that a lot of cases aren't reported due to fear, embarrassment, etc. That's not to say guys can't get harassed/assaulted too either btw, as that's a whole other issue in itself, since there's an even worse stigma attached to those cases. But anyways, I'm just tired of the over-simplification and relying on your own experience when you really can't relate to it at all.
Sure they should be allowed to dress however they want, but when they know its an issue, they might as well take that into consideration. Not to mention they dress that way for attention (they can say they dress that way for themselves, and don't want attention, they're not fooling me) so they shouldn't bitch when dudes give them attention.
*toasts a Mountain Dew to our king gentlesir*
Its straight up gotten to the point I will never physically compliment a girl ever again, because I know they'll perceive me as creepy or objectifying or that I'm just trying to sweet talk them to get into their pants.
People shouldn't steal or murder, but they do. So you lock your doors, and avoid alleys at night, carry a gun for your own protection. People shouldn't kidnap, but they do. So you keep an eye on your kids when they go out to play.
Its like a rich businessman walking down in the southside in a nice business suit, and money falling out of his pockets. He's begging to be mugged.