Know like two people that can get me quality wax but they are unreliable as fuck when trying to get it wish my main weed guy would start getting it instead
fucking irate as shit. got back from groceries and when I ran groceries in I forgot to put my parking permit on. come back like 5 minutes later and I have a fucking $65 ticket. such bullshit
Most unreliable fucking drug dealer. It's always oh yeah you can get the wax in five hours. I want it fucking now faggot. Every time . Pisses me off.
That's when you hit up someone else.
I don't know anyone with wax. They are all my faggot friends dudes.
that's why I hit people up when I'm almost out instead of entirely out
Sucks. I know 3-4 different dudes with wax. My main dude makes it himself. He purges it over night so theres not a trace of butane in it.
got it \m/
Know like two people that can get me quality wax but they are unreliable as fuck when trying to get it wish my main weed guy would start getting it instead
I dont know these struggles.
all my wax folks are either in on probation or doing time
part of why I pay out the anus when needed
And you're a free man :-?...something sketch going on :-?
hoc > bb
nah but it's number 2
>tool radio
>breaking Benjamin
Ky pandora
One of these disagrees better not be Todd. Nigga thought Dexter > BB
Hadn't even seen bb yet. Did it to troll.
Not being Mexican >
fucking irate as shit. got back from groceries and when I ran groceries in I forgot to put my parking permit on. come back like 5 minutes later and I have a fucking $65 ticket. such bullshit