its a long story. the guitarist, Dylan, who doesn't sing apparently has a bad reputation and recent events pushed it over the edge. he's in a shoegaze band, Linoleum Dream, with the drummer from lycus and they were opening for a couple of touring bands. They were set to go on second but I guess Dylan wanted to go on first so their friends that came could just dip after that. So Dylan interrupts the first band and when the touring band they were gonna borrow gear from decided not to lend their gear, they got in a scuffle. Somebody, we don't know who, ended up throwing a bottle at the touring band and one of their members, a girl at that, got hit. So people were starting to blacklist Linoleum and Lycus, and seeing as how the rest of Lycus had nothing to do with it, they had to cut him before he ruined their reputation.
I need to see them again as well. only time was an ultra hipster venue in phoenix's asshole that didnt have air conditioning. theyll hit you three times before me though.
Should legally change your name. Then you could introduce yourself to people as Irate.
Toddler throws more tantrums than my 5 year old and she's a girl
>post so fucking irate on internet
>must be throwing a temper tantrum in real life
sitting here solving the problem so fall in the ocean
we should use a "reward chart" on you for good and bad behaviour
sadly, this is the most action mu will have today
Lycus dropped off Usnea show on friday. Also they parted ways with their guitarist because he's a dick. Still bummed I'm not seeing them
what dickbag ruins a lineup as gloomy as that
fuck I love bell witch
its a long story. the guitarist, Dylan, who doesn't sing apparently has a bad reputation and recent events pushed it over the edge. he's in a shoegaze band, Linoleum Dream, with the drummer from lycus and they were opening for a couple of touring bands. They were set to go on second but I guess Dylan wanted to go on first so their friends that came could just dip after that. So Dylan interrupts the first band and when the touring band they were gonna borrow gear from decided not to lend their gear, they got in a scuffle. Somebody, we don't know who, ended up throwing a bottle at the touring band and one of their members, a girl at that, got hit. So people were starting to blacklist Linoleum and Lycus, and seeing as how the rest of Lycus had nothing to do with it, they had to cut him before he ruined their reputation.
you seen lycus before?
deleting my fb. Not that I talk about drugs on fb doe. @erik
might be satire. 0. We need labels
lol nationalreport is indeed satire
Don't internet enough to give a fuck
Merriwebber said:
seen 'em twice. but I wanna see 'em again damn it
I need to see them again as well. only time was an ultra hipster venue in phoenix's asshole that didnt have air conditioning. theyll hit you three times before me though.
National Report is satire