faggot friend that is supposed to be moving to Colorado with me was like oh yeah i had like 15 bucks in the bank but they had this thing where they gave you 50 bucks if you used it so many times. so he got it. next morning he wakes up and he's 70 bucks in the hole somehow. pisses me off. bought to say fuck it and go solo.
Dude you'd be a fucking retard to move with that guy.. Save a little and use your brain
I want to drive a bread route but I gotta save 20 k to buy a route . Gonna take me prob 1.5 more years in the freezer :-< but once I get the route gonna be makin 85 k a year \m/
I am so fucking ready to get out of this house, I'm seriously considering going with work in a couple months, I'm sick to death of listening to my family scream at each other.
Knew it
Dude you'd be a fucking retard to move with that guy.. Save a little and use your brain
>relying on other people
I moved to Rhody with 3k and it still didn't work out lol you gotta plan or have fun being homeless in co
Should have kept the job you had making bank
I can go back if I want
Ahh ok. That's cool
Yeah job sucks tho lol I don't wanna go back .. Will if I have to tho
I want to drive a bread route but I gotta save 20 k to buy a route . Gonna take me prob 1.5 more years in the freezer :-< but once I get the route gonna be makin 85 k a year \m/
Why wouldnt you just take the 20k and do something you enjoy?
cuz I wanna save 150 k so I can go cross country for a few years.. And when you sell the route you get that 20 k back
That'd be cool
it would amazing would hit up everywhere I've ever wanted to go, gonna take me five yrs to do it tho
my asshole is like perma-itchy .. It's like I got potion ivy of the asshole I don't get it but it sucks
I am so fucking ready to get out of this house, I'm seriously considering going with work in a couple months, I'm sick to death of listening to my family scream at each other.
butt aids
A single aid