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  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies

    Sometimes I just wish i could erase the last few months from my memory.

  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy

    I just feel, empty, not about any one specific reason/thing, just in general. 

    I got off work early today, and so for the last two hours I've just been sitting around in dead silence, thinking about where I'm at, what i want to, or things I wish were different. 

    As much as I enjoy it, sometimes I hate silence, it forces me to reflect on myself, and makes me realize that I hate part of myself.

    All uninteresting

    There seriously must be something in the water.

    called growing up and life. Happens to EVERYONE. Yall are still young as hell. Enjoy life a little before it passes you by. 

    This. Why else you think all the emo bands are young?

  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies

    Haha. I wouldn't consider myself to be "depressed" or "emo" or whatever, just over thinking things, i suppose. 

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy
    seriously there is not a person on earth that needs to smoke a joint more than FF

  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    edited July 2014


    It won't solve/fix any of my problems. 

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy

    you have no idea what youre talking about

  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies

    Could you honestly tell me that if i started smoking weed, that everything I mentioned would start to improve?

    I honestly don't see that being the case, it's just stuff I'm going to have to work on. 

  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod

    You could try hanging yourself

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,973 spicy boy

    you would look at it all with a different perspective 

  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,842 spicy boy

    trying to go camping but we have to hike a 4 mile trail to get to the camp site and it
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy

    Could you honestly tell me that if i started smoking weed, that everything I mentioned would start to improve?

    I honestly don't see that being the case, it's just stuff I'm going to have to work on. 

    let me tell you this from my most honest perspective.

    My whole life I have struggled with severe anxiety, severe adhd, moderate (but not medically official) depression, and all that fun teenage stuff.

    I was never into the idea of drugs at all through eighth grade or so. weed included, it just never really interested me. Id always hear "STAY OFF DRUGS" blah blah blah but I sort of just ignored it because it didnt interest me. I didnt see weed as bad as other drugs but I definitely, again, didnt really have a desire at all to try it. eventually did, skipped a few years, then did a lot lot lot more often, first for the feeling, then for the stress relief and other aid it provided me. weed will probably help you, but Im not saying its for everyone. Id try it a few times and make a decision.

    weed is as addicting as cheeseburgers, sex, tv, video games, etc. you can abuse it, you can get "addicted" to it, but its all a matter of self control. you dont go to mcdonalds three times a day and order a big mac like nancy grace, just the same as you dont have to have five fucking dabs or shit a day. in the end, you can do whatever you want, but weed will help if you use it wisely.

    point is, you make it what it helps you with. if youre feeling bored and a little down, seriously just fucking try having some. if nothing else, music will sound sweet and your day will be a little more fun.

    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy

    tldr live a little and dont box yourself into this drugs=bad life=shit crap, because you can fix that.

    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    so no, weed will not magically make your problems disappear, but itll probably be easier to deal with certain parts of your life.

    totally illegal in fl so worst case you get found blame it on your brother
    I love winning with women
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers

    Syrup saved my life no lie. And I found it interesting cause it was just recently proven that Ketamine, DXM's dissociative brother, can treat depression.

  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,475 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Too long but I read anyways. The kids I know who started smoking recently have become huge potheads. Dudes in their early 20's. They went all through high school without smoking and then they tried it in college and fell in love. They get a quarter like 2-3 times a week.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,842 spicy boy

    finally get up the fucking mountain and my faggot friend doesn't have poles for the tent X(

  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,842 spicy boy

    finally get up the fucking mountain and my faggot friend doesn't have poles for the tent X(

  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies

    I just feel, empty, not about any one specific reason/thing, just in general. 

    I got off work early today, and so for the last two hours I've just been sitting around in dead silence, thinking about where I'm at, what i want to, or things I wish were different. 

    As much as I enjoy it, sometimes I hate silence, it forces me to reflect on myself, and makes me realize that I hate part of myself.

    All uninteresting

    There seriously must be something in the water.

    It doesn't help that allison calls/texts me nonstop, and on top of it I have to decide what to do about work. We build water tanks, and once the current job is finished, there's a possibility they might be going over seas for around two years in October/November. It's an insanely good money opportunity, and I'd be getting to  travel, but I just don't know if i could up and leave for that long. I don't exactly have very many people close to me, or a whole lot going on, but the little I do have is making this decision harder. I don't have to ultimately choose for a couple months, but it's eating at me. 

    FF take that opportunity to travel with work

    Travelling and exploring the world is an amazing life changing fantastic experience

    And if someone else is paying you to do it....take that bull by the horns man and go!

    Plus they would pay you to return home for breaks on a regular basis I imagine

  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,950 spicy boy

    I just feel, empty, not about any one specific reason/thing, just in general. 

    I got off work early today, and so for the last two hours I've just been sitting around in dead silence, thinking about where I'm at, what i want to, or things I wish were different. 

    As much as I enjoy it, sometimes I hate silence, it forces me to reflect on myself, and makes me realize that I hate part of myself.

    All uninteresting

    I read this thing once that talked about how dogs view time. Like...a dog is never late, never has a schedule and never worries about the future. As humans, I feel like a great deal of our misery is brought upon ourselves and how we view time. We have this artificial expectation of what we are supposed to be doing inside of a certain timeframe. A great deal of people I've known to have depression issues are either making the transition to adulthood, staring down 30 or at the 45-50 "midlife" point. IMO, a lot of depression is a combination of expectation and confusion. Like you know where you want to be and by when you want to be there, but you don't always know how to make it all happen. Then when you get behind or sidetracked, it's hell on your mental state. A lot of the depression expressed here is the transitional adulthood type. I'd bet money you guys are starting to be pressured to "grow up", but aren't really sure how to proceed. I'm no expert, but I know personally when I lower my expectations I tend to be more satisfied with the outcome. In life you kinda get spoonfed this sitcom version of everything, but has anyone ever seen Seinfeld pay a bill? Life entails a lot of confusion and troubleshooting. When you accept that and keep things in perspective, it will make you a lot happier

    I saw one of those cautionary documentaries on drugs once where they had this skid row prostitute that was addicted to heroin. She got put in the hospital to treat her hepatitis and AIDS, but skipped out to shoot drugs through her IV. When I get down on life, I pretty much always think "Well, I could have AIDS and Hep and be taking it in the ass for my heroin fix" and it helps me keep perspective

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