shit i was expecting lfest to suck but fuck. qotsa, offspring, skillet, theory of a deadman, machine head(lulwut), adelitas way, thousand foot krutch, pop evil, pretty reckless, WCAR(lulwut), powerman5000,
My fucking girlfriend is being such a selfish bitch today. My daughter had the flu Monday, then it spread to my son yesterday, so I stayed home from work to help her with them. Last night, it finally got to me. I've been spewing since about midnight last night. Barely been out of bed all day. I had a botched appendectomy a few years back where I almost died. My lower abdominal organs are hella weak because of it. When I get sick like this, I get *really* sick. Meanwhile, she woke up early to hit the gym this morning, but ever since she got home and found out I was sick she's magically been sick too, apparently. I've already had to endure a pretty hostile phone discussion with my asst office manager where she threatened to fire me for not coming in and the fact the my parents family dog died last night. But she woke me up about an hour ago to watch the kids by myself because she was tired and just couldn't take it anymore. Tired at 6:30? I drag my ass out into the living room and come watch 'Curious George' with my son. He's almost asleep and my daughter is asleep. I'm not even sure why she's been tweaking all day. I get on fb and she's posted some snarky shit about not being able to sleep while *she's* sick. She hasn't thrown up or anything, she's just in the room moaning a lot. Fucking bullshit. Instead of being everyone's hero today, she just being a miserable hypochondriac bitch.
My roommate Miles might just be the dumbest, dirtiest, stupidest fucking person I've ever had to deal with in the world.
There've been at least 5 times in the last month alone where I go in the bathroom and the toilet isn't flushed; he can't clean anything for shit, which is a pain when he "washes the dishes" because more than half the shit is still grimy as fuck; he often cooks with dirty dishes which is just disgusting; he's always leaving messes in the kitchen, his shit always leaves marks in the toilet and he always misses when he pees; the second he touches anything it smells like fucking deceased decay; he sheds like a fucking dog; and on top of it all, last night my friend and I overheard the porn he was watching in the bathroom which the shower running. The nigga can't even hide porn right. He's a fucking helpless human being and I hope he fails miserably in life and dies in the next 10 years. May whatever god(s) people believe in have mercy one who ever gets stuck living with his ass next year. Fuck.
I used to have a roommate that was dirty as fuck like that. When we left our apartment, I had to go in behind him to clean his room and bathroom so I would get my deposit back.
He was one of those types that was always trying to move to California to be a rock star. So he moved out there and ended up being back in Georgia about 6 months later and had to move in with another guy. Turned out the other guy was dirtier than him. I stopped by their apartment once and they had black mold growing in the kitchen sink and it was backed up so you couldn't drain it. The sink in the bathroom was worse. They made a game out of how many loogies they'd spit in it. They would bring girls to this place too, which blew my mind
on Origin :-<
CoD creator + EA :-q
Still enjoyed the Beta though.
There've been at least 5 times in the last month alone where I go in the bathroom and the toilet isn't flushed; he can't clean anything for shit, which is a pain when he "washes the dishes" because more than half the shit is still grimy as fuck; he often cooks with dirty dishes which is just disgusting; he's always leaving messes in the kitchen, his shit always leaves marks in the toilet and he always misses when he pees; the second he touches anything it smells like fucking deceased decay; he sheds like a fucking dog; and on top of it all, last night my friend and I overheard the porn he was watching in the bathroom which the shower running. The nigga can't even hide porn right. He's a fucking helpless human being and I hope he fails miserably in life and dies in the next 10 years. May whatever god(s) people believe in have mercy one who ever gets stuck living with his ass next year. Fuck.
He was one of those types that was always trying to move to California to be a rock star. So he moved out there and ended up being back in Georgia about 6 months later and had to move in with another guy. Turned out the other guy was dirtier than him. I stopped by their apartment once and they had black mold growing in the kitchen sink and it was backed up so you couldn't drain it. The sink in the bathroom was worse. They made a game out of how many loogies they'd spit in it. They would bring girls to this place too, which blew my mind