Literally just almost told a customer to suck my dick. Like I literally had "Su-" out and then slurred it into "...sorry". Fucking fat ass broad. Shoulda spit in your fucking drink.
This bitch from the get go was being a grade A cunt. Pulls up and immediately screams "HELLO?!?" Into the box. Makes her order and says "AND PLEASE HURRY UP I'M IN A MAJOR HURRY.". So I got her order done at the same speed I would've gotten any motherfucker's order done. She got a ham wrap, it takes 40 seconds in the oven. I wrap it up and give it to her. "It takes THAT fucking long for a simple little wrap?" And I explained it's not my fault and every item has a set cooking time in the oven and I have to wait for it. Gives me more shit "OH WHATEVER. HOW MUCH OF A LOW LIFE DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO FUCK UP A JOB AS SIMPLE AS THIS? YOU'RE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE TOTEM POLE BOY.". Mind you this fat fucking bitch has 2 additional chins shaking like Flubber wit every fucking word her greasy ass mouth spewed out. Literally wanted to get ratchet and slap this bitch in the jaw. As I said, was about to say suck my dick, but said sorry instead. Bitch says "Sure you are.", and skirts off. Fucking obese ass piece of shit I hope her rush makes her run into a tree and die on fucking contact.
Literally irate. I hate myself for biting my tongue. Fuck that job I'll gladly get fired instead of sitting there taking it in the ass from an obese ass waste of fucking life.
I am so fucking livid right now, our website's host fucking deleted it.
When you have to renew your site, if it's not paid it's suppose to be deleted after 30 days. The site was deleted after 24 fucking hours, Godaddy(the guy who hosted the server) fucked up and didn't take the money out of Tim's(the owner) band account to renew it because he thought "oh no big did, it has30 days".
So the Riseabovetheanchor website is fucking gone, we still own the .com, but it would take nearly 100 hours to rebuild the entire thing just to start from scratch, and it would take someone with a much better computer than me.
I don't know what to fucking do now. The youtube is still up and ALL of my interviews are still there, i just don't have the means, or the know how to host a website like RATA on my own.
It was completely fine a day ago, the site would have been down for 30 days before being deleted (normally). For whatever reason, the host only waited one day. It's bullshit.
I know how to run a website, I have several able staff members, and i still have every interview I've ever done saved. But i don't have the means or know how to host a site,
It was completely fine a day ago, the site would have been down for 30 days before being deleted (normally). For whatever reason, the host only waited one day. It's bullshit.
I know how to run a website, I have several able staff members, and i still have every interview I've ever done saved. But i don't have the means or know how to host a site,
All i have right now is our youtube page with my interviews, and this music page i run on FB. The page only has like 243 likes though, that and a youtube page isn't enough for PRs to give out press for shows.
It was completely fine a day ago, the site would have been down for 30 days before being deleted (normally). For whatever reason, the host only waited one day. It's bullshit.
I know how to run a website, I have several able staff members, and i still have every interview I've ever done saved. But i don't have the means or know how to host a site,
ask Tim for help
He's just as mad as i am about it, but he has 4 kids and works 60-70 hours a week, he doesn't have time to rebuild the website. He does still own the domain name, though.
My friend just made it his profile picture and won't undo it
This bitch from the get go was being a grade A cunt. Pulls up and immediately screams "HELLO?!?" Into the box. Makes her order and says "AND PLEASE HURRY UP I'M IN A MAJOR HURRY.". So I got her order done at the same speed I would've gotten any motherfucker's order done. She got a ham wrap, it takes 40 seconds in the oven. I wrap it up and give it to her. "It takes THAT fucking long for a simple little wrap?" And I explained it's not my fault and every item has a set cooking time in the oven and I have to wait for it. Gives me more shit "OH WHATEVER. HOW MUCH OF A LOW LIFE DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO FUCK UP A JOB AS SIMPLE AS THIS? YOU'RE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE TOTEM POLE BOY.". Mind you this fat fucking bitch has 2 additional chins shaking like Flubber wit every fucking word her greasy ass mouth spewed out. Literally wanted to get ratchet and slap this bitch in the jaw. As I said, was about to say suck my dick, but said sorry instead. Bitch says "Sure you are.", and skirts off. Fucking obese ass piece of shit I hope her rush makes her run into a tree and die on fucking contact.
When you have to renew your site, if it's not paid it's suppose to be deleted after 30 days. The site was deleted after 24 fucking hours, Godaddy(the guy who hosted the server) fucked up and didn't take the money out of Tim's(the owner) band account to renew it because he thought "oh no big did, it has30 days".
So the Riseabovetheanchor website is fucking gone, we still own the .com, but it would take nearly 100 hours to rebuild the entire thing just to start from scratch, and it would take someone with a much better computer than me.
I don't know what to fucking do now. The youtube is still up and ALL of my interviews are still there, i just don't have the means, or the know how to host a website like RATA on my own.
I'm not just going to throw all of this effort away, though.
I know how to run a website, I have several able staff members, and i still have every interview I've ever done saved. But i don't have the means or know how to host a site,
All i have right now is our youtube page with my interviews, and this music page i run on FB. The page only has like 243 likes though, that and a youtube page isn't enough for PRs to give out press for shows.
It'll be back up in an hour or so. #:-S