I've been friends with this girl for a long time. She's been dating this other guy for a little while, but even still we had been hanging out more over the last 3 or so months. She confided in me about a couple things, and it seemed like she wasn't planning on dating him for much longer. I hadn't heard from her at all for the last couple weeks or so, and I found out yesterday she had gotten engaged. I couldn't believe it at first, and I'm slightly angry about the way certain things went. But I realize now it was never going to change, i would have just continued to make an ass out of myself, but instead now I can just forget.
I just wish i would have known it was going to lead to this, I could have saved a lot of time and effort, and I wouldn't have felt like such an idiot.
Yes I realize I was being a major simp, 0. Just want to forget all of it.
I thankfully still regularly talk with and hangout with my second ex-girlfriend. I'm glad we are at least good friends even if we aren't dating.
That's fine. The problem is with guys that get stuck in the friend zone and pretend it's ok when they're really burning inside. I think that sort of shit is unfair for both parties because the friend zoned person usually turns into a cock blocker and tends to fuck up the others love life
I thankfully still regularly talk with and hangout with my second ex-girlfriend. I'm glad we are at least good friends even if we aren't dating.
That's fine. The problem is with guys that get stuck in the friend zone and pretend it's ok when they're really burning inside. I think that sort of shit is unfair for both parties because the friend zoned person usually turns into a cock blocker and tends to fuck up the others love life
i been stuck in the friendzone with jawns i liked before, 2 to be exact... one of them i ended up banging about 2 months later for half a year then we split cause bitch crazy.... the other one is my wife...
I thankfully still regularly talk with and hangout with my second ex-girlfriend. I'm glad we are at least good friends even if we aren't dating.
That's fine. The problem is with guys that get stuck in the friend zone and pretend it's ok when they're really burning inside. I think that sort of shit is unfair for both parties because the friend zoned person usually turns into a cock blocker and tends to fuck up the others love life
I'd rather be in the friendzone than not friends at all though :-??
Obviously, I'm not a dick about things like you mentioned above though.
I thankfully still regularly talk with and hangout with my second ex-girlfriend. I'm glad we are at least good friends even if we aren't dating.
That's fine. The problem is with guys that get stuck in the friend zone and pretend it's ok when they're really burning inside. I think that sort of shit is unfair for both parties because the friend zoned person usually turns into a cock blocker and tends to fuck up the others love life
I'd rather be in the friendzone than not friends at all though :-??
Obviously, I'm not a dick about things like you mentioned above though.
Unless you're still pining after her, none of that applies to you though
I thankfully still regularly talk with and hangout with my second ex-girlfriend. I'm glad we are at least good friends even if we aren't dating.
That's fine. The problem is with guys that get stuck in the friend zone and pretend it's ok when they're really burning inside. I think that sort of shit is unfair for both parties because the friend zoned person usually turns into a cock blocker and tends to fuck up the others love life
I'd rather be in the friendzone than not friends at all though :-??
Obviously, I'm not a dick about things like you mentioned above though.
Unless you're still pining after her, none of that applies to you though
Well, in the past it was applicable. Even the first half of last year... but yea now, nah, not so much lol.
What I hate is when you try to hang out with a girl and some wack friend zoned nigga tries to come along. It's like instant blue balls cuz pretty much no matter what you do that night, he gets in the way. I think it was Live Free Die that posted issues with that exact thing last year
Everyone's just like "well at least you guys are still friends", and while I really do wish it were that simple, it's not.
I thankfully still regularly talk with and hangout with my second ex-girlfriend. I'm glad we are at least good friends even if we aren't dating.
I just wish i would have known it was going to lead to this, I could have saved a lot of time and effort, and I wouldn't have felt like such an idiot.
Yes I realize I was being a major simp, 0. Just want to forget all of it.
just step up your game simps.
Obviously, I'm not a dick about things like you mentioned above though.
Just dont be a pussy and you'll be fine