This is just pathetic, a member of one of the more well respected extreme metal bands in central FL was talking shit about one of the local bands that are opening the Danzig/Doyle show next week.
Stats can go fuck itself with a giant corroded battery.
I use to have a real strong hatred of stats, and then though my masters work I realized why they were teaching it. Probably one of the most important subjects to making the world as we know it today. There are so many technologies that are built around statistical averages, that it is just astonishing when you fully understand the power of the subject. Wish stats didnt exist? Say good buy to the internet, and email, and cell phones, and pretty much every other modern technology that uses some subset of those features.
Yeah iza bullshit....but it's really good experience...I'm running a resturant when 4 months ago I had never been anyone's boss )
Thats cool! Im in charge of the whole front end at the store >_< ....I was so excited to go on maternity I just want to go back...I feel its going to be a disaster when I go back.
I know that feel....every time I leave for the weekend things are a mess on Mondays
A band called Ulcer are talking shit about a band called Arbitration, Ulcer's guitarist says that "Kids don't belong in metal bands"
Several people commented on his post, and he has yet to reply lol
or almost any other band you post about
Whatever i guess.
I am going to fail this class. I've never gotten lower than a C in a class (and its only been like 2 Cs at that) and I am going to fail this fucker
"Sorry I'll listen to it tomorrow, on a big Whitechapel kick right now"