Dude getting your wisdom teeth pulled is probably the most metal experience on my life.
In HS, my finger got slammed in a locker door. I didn't realize how bad it was at first and I went to algebra. When I looked down and noticed the blood actually spurting from my finger, I went to the bathroom and washed it up and wrapped it up with paper towel. I walked to the office and it was when I saw the tip of my finger sitting in a baggie on the counter that I realized how bad it was. A teacher had to pick it up and put it in a baggie and they following my blood trails through the school to track me down lol. We got to the e.r. and I watched them sew it back on and the doctor got pissed because I kept flicking the tip lol. It didn't hurt any more than a smashed finger, but it was just really weird to look at your finger, and touch it with another finger like a pinch grip, but to only get the contact feedback from one of the two fingers.
They had to cut my wisdom teeth into pieces because there was a nerve running through them. It still damaged the nerves on one side and I couldn't feel the bottom right part of my jaw, nor my bottom lip for months until it healed
Goodluck! My dentist was a dumbass...he gave me the shot to numb me..but I usually need like 3 and he didn't even wait for it to do anything...so he yanked the damn wisdom tooth out..I felt everything...my blood pressure went down..I almost passed out...yea the pain was bad. Whats worst is he tried it the second time on my second visit...this time I grabbed his fucking arm and told him its not numb...and it fucking hurts. He was pissed.
Ugh its a wisdom tooth too. I hope they let me keep it? Lol
I never had wisdom teeth.
Same here
That's weird... were you also told by dentist's that it is super uncommon? I Had one dentist who I went to see, and after xrays he asked me at what age I had my wisdom teeth removed. And when I told him I didnt, never had them... He didn't really believe me. It was odd. Like your a dentist and have never heard of this happen? really?
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
I was just reading about it... apparently some scientist have noticed that more frequently people are being born without them, and that they think it might be an evolutionary trait.
every time I tried to take the stairs while my mom was in the hospitals I'd set off alarms unless a hospital employee swiped a card next to the door to the stairs to over ride the alarm system
Yeah, hospital security and whatever. but I was 'detained' once until they 'verified my story'
In HS, my finger got slammed in a locker door. I didn't realize how bad it was at first and I went to algebra. When I looked down and noticed the blood actually spurting from my finger, I went to the bathroom and washed it up and wrapped it up with paper towel. I walked to the office and it was when I saw the tip of my finger sitting in a baggie on the counter that I realized how bad it was. A teacher had to pick it up and put it in a baggie and they following my blood trails through the school to track me down lol. We got to the e.r. and I watched them sew it back on and the doctor got pissed because I kept flicking the tip lol. It didn't hurt any more than a smashed finger, but it was just really weird to look at your finger, and touch it with another finger like a pinch grip, but to only get the contact feedback from one of the two fingers.
Metal as fuck?
Are you going to have to get that one removed?
I'd set off alarms unless a hospital employee swiped a card next to the door to the stairs
to over ride the alarm system
Yeah, hospital security and whatever. but I was 'detained' once until they 'verified my story'