Currently, no. I'm living on campus at sjsu. But over the summer I lived at home. I'll probably be living at home next summer too. It's common for 18/19 year olds to live at home, y'know?
Minimum wage and part time sucks....that's the original reason why I took the assistant managers position at my work....I went from like 4 days and 15-20 hours a week to 6 days 35 hours :-L
I work full time ( usually only 38 hours) as the head manager at the health benefits....I do get a week of vacation a year though )
Minimum wage and part time sucks....that's the original reason why I took the assistant managers position at my work....I went from like 4 days and 15-20 hours a week to 6 days 35 hours :-L
I work full time ( usually only 38 hours) as the head manager at the health benefits....I do get a week of vacation a year though )
Currently, no. I'm living on campus at sjsu. But over the summer I lived at home. I'll probably be living at home next summer too. It's common for 18/19 year olds to live at home, y'know?
You guys sure are defensive. I have nothing against living at home, was just wondering is all. I never really had that sort or relationship with my parents where they felt the need to try and micromanage my life. I more had the type of relationship where I'd come home around 10 and they might say "staying in for the night?" "Nope, just snagging a flashlight and duct tape. See you tomorrow". And don't get me wrong, I'm probably pretty lucky I made it through my childhood. It should be the parents job to parent sometimes. I'm thankful for the independence they gave me, but also thankful I made it out okay without serious incident.
Yeah iza bullshit....but it's really good experience...I'm running a resturant when 4 months ago I had never been anyone's boss )
Thats cool! Im in charge of the whole front end at the store >_< ....I was so excited to go on maternity I just want to go back...I feel its going to be a disaster when I go back.
Holy fuck. I don't even know what to say. This bitch posted this on Facebook putting this motherfucker on blast for being a simp. Smh no fucking words. Absolutely no confidence Jesus Christ.
I work full time ( usually only 38 hours) as the head manager at the health benefits....I do get a week of vacation a year though