When a friend owes you money and he just keeps coming up with excuse after fucking excuse on reasons he can't meet up when he says he has the money. Then you try to get ahold of him and doesn't pick up or text back.
I usually don't lend out money to avoid situations like this. However this is what I get for trying to be a nice guy.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
My fucking roommate is such a shit. So we set up simple rotation of chores. There's vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, doing the dishes, cleaning the counters/table/trash, and mopping. The first week is all good, everybody does their part. Then all of sudden my roommate Jordan gets dishes and then he doesn't wanna do it because "I didn't use them all. These guys are lazy and don't do their dishes. It's not my responsibility to wash dishes I didnt' use" when we all fucking had a meeting and agreed to these duties. The guy who did dishes last week didn't bitch and moan. Suck it up and just fucking do your part. Can't wait for next year when me and my friends just get an apartment. Shoulda done that this year.
The last month with the "The New Fury" PR has been total BS, someone has been deleting shit, and now people are just doing shit without discussing it with everyone.
That local show i helped put on a couple weeks ago, it was originally two days, the first day was free and the 2nd was $150 to rent the venue. Day 1 was cut so now it was just one day, and when it came time to pay the venue owner, the guy who was in charge of our PR and putting on the show only gave him $75. Long story short I got shit from half the bands because they didn't get paid, and i felt shitty for the one band i personally booked, because they were set to play at 11:15, and they ended up going on at 1:30am.
I'm so sick of this shit, the guy who runs the PR doesn't think before he does anything, and he doesn't know how to keep his relationship and the PR separate. He's saying he wants to get his gf a couple big interviews, and she's the type who would instantly fangirl over bands like Periphery and Volumes.
I was there when we fucking started this thing, but he still posts status like "I never would have though I'd be able to do something like this on my own", fuck this noise.
Over the last two months I've been co running another PR called "Rise Above the Anchor", and in these two months, I've interviewed twice as many bands as I did with TNF in 14/15 months, I get more recognition, and I've actually gotten paid a little.
So I left my truck with a friend of mine that lived at my old apartment complex and he just called me and said it got towed. I am so fucking pissed because that apartment trated me like shit when I lived there and now they do this crap? Fuck I may lose my fucking job over this
As fun as Seattle was I will never work for this promoter again. Pay my way to Seattle and leave empty handed with no pay. Had fun though and made friends so whatever, the good with the bad.
I usually don't lend out money to avoid situations like this. However this is what I get for trying to be a nice guy.
Or family members...but if I do that I don't really expect it back...I mean that's what family is for
That local show i helped put on a couple weeks ago, it was originally two days, the first day was free and the 2nd was $150 to rent the venue. Day 1 was cut so now it was just one day, and when it came time to pay the venue owner, the guy who was in charge of our PR and putting on the show only gave him $75. Long story short I got shit from half the bands because they didn't get paid, and i felt shitty for the one band i personally booked, because they were set to play at 11:15, and they ended up going on at 1:30am.
I'm so sick of this shit, the guy who runs the PR doesn't think before he does anything, and he doesn't know how to keep his relationship and the PR separate. He's saying he wants to get his gf a couple big interviews, and she's the type who would instantly fangirl over bands like Periphery and Volumes.
I was there when we fucking started this thing, but he still posts status like "I never would have though I'd be able to do something like this on my own", fuck this noise.
Over the last two months I've been co running another PR called "Rise Above the Anchor", and in these two months, I've interviewed twice as many bands as I did with TNF in 14/15 months, I get more recognition, and I've actually gotten paid a little.
TL;DR - Pissed off, done with this shit.