How the hell did you get through high school not being able to openly talk about that stuff? I mean there health class, and then in Brit Lit we had an entire unit where we had to analyze the bestiality in A Midsummer Night's Dream and how it applies to sexual power between genders.
I dunno. I just feel awkward sitting there talking about sex and marriage and masturbation and stuff. Especially in a public classroom type location. I also felt really weird whenever I'd share my opinion on things. So I kinda kept more quiet compared to other discussions.
Part of it probably has to do with how foreign it is to my lifestyle, and how averse I am.
Dawg we couldn't get through a single Sex Ed class in middle school without constant innuendo being shout out, me being a big contributor. Got a couple detentions lol.
In 5th grade we took sex ed and everyone was pretty good about it the whole course....except at the very end the teacher had an open Q&A and this black kid asked with a straight face "Why do asses jiggle when you hit them?" and everyone fucking lost it.
Did any of the cute girls in class start talking about how they like to masturbate.... :> I would find that a little uncomfortable
My girlfriend told me that her Human Sexuality class was all full of girls talking about their sex/masturbation habits and what turns them on. I have no idea how that class doesn't have more guys in it...
So since you give 0 fucks about anything sex related, that makes having no need to be comfortable with sex conversation ok? That I don't understand. You can't avoid sex talk your whole life so why not become comfortable with it?
Part of it probably has to do with how foreign it is to my lifestyle, and how averse I am.
I would find that a little uncomfortable
Make friends with a lesbian. Those girls will tell all with no care at all
On second thought nevermind. This is pointless
You watch 'Idiocracy' yet?