We have a local weekend music fest here. Basically just a bunch of drunks and druggies. So I stay away. I guess she did massive amounts of oxys and cocaine. Which is exactly what killed my dad. Ugh, it sucks. She's only 22, and has a 1 year old.
Those opiates are no joke, and the doctors give the damn things out like candy. That's a nasty addiction that can straight up steal your soul. Cops have gotten hooked on the shit and end up robbing pharmacies for em. A lot of people start of getting hurt and taking them as prescribed, and they get their hooks into you. Oxies are just synthetic, lab grade heroin. It's a rough thing to see people go through.
download the free version, run the full scan, proceed, youre welcome.
it was a random extension that had installed itself in chrome
I'm sorry Monica
Sorry to hear that >:D<