oh and a moving truck almost rear ended me today. I heard the brakes screech and then saw the truck next to me on the side of the road. my sister was driving behind the truck and said she doesn't know how it didn't plow into me. and the weird thing is, I thought about the truck possibly hitting me before it happened because I almost didn't see all the people stopped in front of me and the roads were wet. thank you jebus
1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
edited June 2013
Contest - "US residents over 18 only, competition closes Tuesday, June 18th at 12pm PST. Winners will be selected at random. Successful applicants will receive notification via email, inviting them to confirm attendance, shortly after the competition closes."
* arrange appointment with client * ring in the morning to confirm meeting time and place * drive for 45 minutes to meet him * he's not there * ring him "oh sorry I forgot"
oh and a moving truck almost rear ended me today. I heard the brakes screech and then saw the truck next to me on the side of the road. my sister was driving behind the truck and said she doesn't know how it didn't plow into me. and the weird thing is, I thought about the truck possibly hitting me before it happened because I almost didn't see all the people stopped in front of me and the roads were wet. thank you jebus
It couldn't poasibly be that bad if an 8 year old threw the ball. Puig got hit in the nose by a fastball and did less bitching than you
idk about your leagues, but the 8/9 year old league here in my town, kids throw fast. Yeah... not as fast as ML, but I'll bet they are getting up in the 50 mph range. High 40's for sure.
fuck you slap
* ring in the morning to confirm meeting time and place
* drive for 45 minutes to meet him
* he's not there
* ring him "oh sorry I forgot"