Damn thunder storm. I use to not mind til a year or two ago there was one thunder that fucking shook the damn town. Everybody I know was talking about it the next day. I can't fathom how bright the lightning bolt that caused it was. I was on the shitter when it happened so I didn't see. Now I get #noided
my ex let my 12yo go to the lake with his girlfriends 18yo daughter instead of to her sister's graduation ceremony, got a call she was taken to the hospital, 18 yo allowed her alcohol to the point that her blood alcohol count was over twice the legal limit..... hmm i feel a felony child endangerment charge coming on.
Anyway I love going to sleep while its storming. Its soothing for some reason.
>asks her favorite song
>it's a One Direction song
> #-o
Stay elitist ignorant metalhead neanderthal scum
But seriously, i also asked her favorite metal band and she said ADTR.