only time i let a guy pay for my dinner is when they have a gift card or something or told me beforehand that its on them as for gifts, i like to set a limit for birthday/anniversary/christmas stuff even though i usually go over and spend a litte more if i find something spr awesome like Alexs 3DS
My bf and I go back and forth on who pays. Like.. he will pay for dinner, ill pay for the movie. Or justwhoever has the money at that ttime. We buy each other gifts a lot though.
You kinda lost me here. If you wanna pay, more power to you, I dont have a problem with that. I just think it's a bit much to say that paying for the girl is "doing it right". I feel that there isn't a right or wrong as long as both sides are happy.
So earlier in the week a Pittsburgh news station posted on fb that a young girl around 10 was attacked by a dog. Of course it ended up being a pit. The girl wants the dog put to death but we don't know wtf she was doing on this persons porch. She hasn't gone into any details either. Idk if this person had a fence, if the dog was territorial or what. All I do know is she was standing on this persons porch for whatever reason. Then I get a fb notification because someone mentioned me, and I find this ignorant shit
or told me beforehand that its on them
as for gifts, i like to set a limit for birthday/anniversary/christmas stuff even though i usually go over and spend a litte more if i find something spr awesome like Alexs 3DS