Being completely honest if I have a question about companion animals im going to ask bianca and more than likely try what she suggests. My cat is just a different situation that I vented about in the wrong place and wasn't looking for suggestions because we had already been through everything and the cat is a unique situation.
Tldr. I'd trust going to b with my pets
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Lol your fucking retarded B...I did absolutely nothing to you...and You started hating on me. Claiming it was a mistake to think I was trustworthy even though I didn't air your dirty laundry to any one. Your obliviously bipolar and should think about more Meds
Also I have 3 jobs...only one of which is minimum wage. Sorry that I don't have daddy to take care of me so I can go to school and then constantly bitch and complain how hard it is and how hard my life is
Rexmad ape, i deleted you for a different reason entirely i deleted a lot of people from here that im chill with like Marc it was for something unrelated to if i actually didnt like you or not ill explain in a pm when i get on a computer
Rexmad ape, i deleted you for a different reason entirely i deleted a lot of people from here that im chill with like Marc it was for something unrelated to if i actually didnt like you or not ill explain in a pm when i get on a computer
todd, i deleted you months ago
Lol no
Your the one who came crying to me everyday your life was so horrible when you and Alex broke up. The only thing I did was stop talking to you....and you proceeded to make snotty remarks daily on here about things I post...obliviously you mad
Tldr. I'd trust going to b with my pets
Also I have 3 jobs...only one of which is minimum wage. Sorry that I don't have daddy to take care of me so I can go to school and then constantly bitch and complain how hard it is and how hard my life is
ape, i deleted you for a different reason entirely
i deleted a lot of people from here that im chill with like Marc
it was for something unrelated to if i actually didnt like you or not
ill explain in a pm when i get on a computer
todd, i deleted you months ago
Your the one who came crying to me everyday your life was so horrible when you and Alex broke up. The only thing I did was stop talking to you....and you proceeded to make snotty remarks daily on here about things I post...obliviously you mad
why would i be driving home tonight?