In my opinion, yes. The only kind of music in which I think it's acceptable to listen to just songs and still call yourself a serious music fan is music that was released before long-play records were around, or music that was intended to be a single. So stuff like blues, jazz, rock 'n' roll, ragtime, etc. But I don't think a lot of us are doing that, so it's full albums or die.
Although I'm flattered, I think when it comes to the general non-metal genres we like, Nola has a better knowledge of the shit he likes than I do. But he's been at it longer.
I'm guilty of not putting full albums on my phone (which is my music player). But it's not so much I don't want to put full albums on it, it's room to music ratio. If I had an SD card that was at least 60 gigs I would have 98% full albums. The rest would be those stray songs that I love from the 90's, 80's, etc
And we all know my opinion is true, because y'know, I'm an elitist and all. ;;)
Although I'm flattered, I think when it comes to the general non-metal genres we like, Nola has a better knowledge of the shit he likes than I do. But he's been at it longer.