oh and the vegan bloggers on tumblr they really just take it too far theyre like PETA good intentnions but really shouldnt have a platform to speak i just had to explain about the paractices on our farm and how milking and shearing arent cruelty and how tail docking, disbudding and castrating are necessary -_-
Warriors of the animal kingdom that take it too far? Hmm, now why does that sound so familiar? :-?
Most people on tumblr just need to shut up. I really hate that site now
oh and the vegan bloggers on tumblr they really just take it too far theyre like PETA good intentnions but really shouldnt have a platform to speak i just had to explain about the paractices on our farm and how milking and shearing arent cruelty and how tail docking, disbudding and castrating are necessary -_-
Warriors of the animal kingdom that take it too far? Hmm, now why does that sound so familiar? :-?
theyre truly unrealistic about things and none of them have actually been on a farm and saw these practices to say if its cruelty [which its not]
So for radio you can submit CDs for them to play live for hours. So I go to Best Buy and buy a pack of ten blank CDs and ten CD cases. Then I get baack and realize the CD cases come with blank CDs, so I have 20 blanks and 10 cases. Fuckin' a
>went dress clothes shopping with dayna >tried on some shit in the fitting room >went to walk out for a second to show dayna >come back to the room to find someone is in it >knock on the door and some foreign fuck answers >me: "yeaaa...that's all my shit over there...(shoes, jeans, hat, shirt) >him: "oh uhhh...yeah..." *acts like "okay get your things and get out. just stands there >me: "yeaaa...and I'm still using the room..." >him: *acts confused and slowly leaves >me: <________>
people are so inconsiderate now n days it's not even funny
> goes clothes shopping with GF > comes out of changing room to seek GF's opinion and permission to buy clothes
Definition of bitchmade Simp Next thing y'all be holding Daynas hair when she vomits and buying her necklaces :-?
So for radio you can submit CDs for them to play live for hours. So I go to Best Buy and buy a pack of ten blank CDs and ten CD cases. Then I get baack and realize the CD cases come with blank CDs, so I have 20 blanks and 10 cases. Fuckin' a
Did you find the price of CD cases unreasonable at all?
> comes out of changing room to seek GF's opinion and permission to buy clothes
Definition of bitchmade Simp
Next thing y'all be holding Daynas hair when she vomits and buying her necklaces :-?
Wish it was you eh???