I can't believe I'm actually sick of bulking and WANT to cut. I bulk for 2 more weeks, but man it's catching up to me. Stomach hurts every day now. Too much food. Cutting is gonna be nice. Plus Im'ma be shredded as fuark and pretty again.
I can't believe I'm actually sick of bulking and WANT to cut. I bulk for 2 more weeks, but man it's catching up to me. Stomach hurts every day now. Too much food. Cutting is gonna be nice. Plus Im'ma be shredded as fuark and pretty again.
pfft jaded
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
My grandpa is in the hospital with heart problems and now his kidneys are starting to go. He may have to go on dialysis but that could make his heart problem even worse. He's probably not going to make it much longer.
Got sent to Chattanooga for work through Saturday. I put 30 gigs of death/stoner/grind/black shit on my iPod to listen to in the hotel room, then I forgot to bring my idock. Now I'm stuck listening to shitty pandora radio through my iPhone
Got sent to Chattanooga for work through Saturday. I put 30 gigs of death/stoner/grind/black shit on my iPod to listen to in the hotel room, then I forgot to bring my idock. Now I'm stuck listening to shitty pandora radio through my iPhone
And an s3 and you can torrent straight to your phone. Problem solved
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Talked to the HR coordinator at work about moving up. Also talked to the manager of he building materials department who said he'd be happy to have me over there. HR coordinator said she'd get back to me in a week. One week later I go to her, says she hasn't heard anything.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Was that the Catthatchewedmashoeshoe?
R.I.P. Gaza
Never got to see them but not the end of the world lol