On a different note, i was on Intronaut's online store, and i saw they had the Prehistoricisms double LP marked down to $7.......which led to me making an account on the website, and when i went to go put it in my cart, I noticed it said "temporarily out of stock" (
On a different note, i was on Intronaut's online store, and i saw they had the Prehistoricisms double LP marked down to $7.......which led to me making an account on the website, and when i went to go put it in my cart, I noticed it said "temporarily out of stock" (
back to the drunken fight conversation (i missed the last half of it due to me sleeping last night \m/ ). i probably wouldn't have called the cops mostly because i wouldn't have given a shit. once it was over then who cares. unless they pulled out a gun or something i don't really see the point in calling the cops. it was just some drunk douche bags tryin' to start a fight. big deal. a distant second reason would be that a long time ago (about 30 years give or take) my dad was drinkin' with his buddies and 2 of them started fighting and my dad was just trying to break it up and the cops showed up and arrested all of them, including my dad. the 2 guys fighting even told the cops that my dad wasn't involved and was just trying to break it up but the cops didn't care. they arrested him anyway.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH COCK SUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!!!!! goat kids were born today and i wasnt there!! they better not be Biancas kids because ill flip out right there in the barn i dont even care
Been a while since I've had to buy tickets from a big venue. Fucking conveniences fees can eat a dick. Also, what kind of place charges a $6 fee for will call. Ugh. X(
Thanks all
On a different note, i was on Intronaut's online store, and i saw they had the Prehistoricisms double LP marked down to $7.......which led to me making an account on the website, and when i went to go put it in my cart, I noticed it said "temporarily out of stock"
goat kids were born today and i wasnt there!!
they better not be Biancas kids because ill flip out right there in the barn
i dont even care