Awesome. I used to really be into Robotech but I haven't watched/played the games in years. I have a box set but I barely watched any of it. On a side note, the motorcycles were fucking bawse.
Sounds very Maiden. Vocals seem a bit quiet or drowned out. Otherwise sounds metal as fuck. That Death and Steel live vid sounds awesome btw. Will that be on the EP?
Sounds very Maiden. Vocals seem a bit quiet or drowned out. Otherwise sounds metal as fuck. That Death and Steel live vid sounds awesome btw. Will that be on the EP?
Yea, we're working on the mix a bit more for the actual release of the album. Vocals will be boosted. "Death and Steel" will be on the EP as well.
Ill just say how I feel about the whole thing.. First of all I dig the little guitar intro but it could use something in the background.. Maybe just a very basic drum beat or quiet held synth notes would be sick idk what you have available to you..but something to keep the opening guitar a little more on beat would be good and it would get rid of that dead silence for a second.. Overall I think the recording/ mixing quality is very poor.. The guitar sounds pretty fine but the Vix and bass sound kinda meh.. I really think it'd benefit you to try and maybe save some scratch up at some point and use real recording equipment because you have the talent.. Your gutturals are are pretty fine but your clean singing is kinda bad I mean you try singing to the melody line and it just falls really flat I'd work on that part the most.. I really liked the part where you did the gutturals low and high at the same time.. Very skeletonwitch/ goatwhore esque.. I liked it.. Overall the riffing is catchy and I like kinda the whole vibe of the song it just needs a little work and would certainly benefit from better recording equipment
Yea obviously this isn't the best sounding recording in the world. We're just using a single Blue Snowball USB mic to record everything. At some point, when we get enough money (and time) we'll buy real recording equipment, and/or pay to use a studio. We may even end up re-recording this at some point... still, we wanted to get something out for people to listen to. With all of us going to be in different states when school starts up again, the band is becoming very seasonal. It could be worse, and this gives us something to show people who have been asking for demos/EPs/whatever.
Also, just realized, is that plane in your sig from Robotech?
just got sent the new logo. looks pretty cool \m/
we plan on actually releasing some demos, and an EP if all goes according to plan this summer too.
Lemme know what y'all think.