we are. we have a couple currently in progress, they just weren't ready by this show. Slowly we'll start bringing them out. Its hard cuz we have to balance school with writing, and preping sets for shows - normal band stuff. We'll hopefully be making a demo in a couple months too.
I'm in the process of it. I already have two other dudes that want to play, so I'm pretty much writing now.
Good for you man. Hopefully they don't all quit like my band. I feel like the Nergal of my band. I started it by myself and recruited a drummer, bassist, and guitarist. Drummers have quit, guitarists have quit, etc. Right now its me on vocals and guitar, we have a bassist and a guitarist. And we've found someone that might do drums for us. It's tough but don't ever stop writing music Since marching band started, Ive felt horrible because I feel like I've abandoned my guitar. Haven't been able to play it regularly for months now =/
n here's the library vid of us
The only new song we played was My Last Serenade by Killswitch Engage (in part 3)
we got some new shows on our youtube
n thanks Erik.
lol we were so high....
Since marching band started, Ive felt horrible because I feel like I've abandoned my guitar. Haven't been able to play it regularly for months now =/
just thought i'd share
Good luck at those shows?
n thx.
also, kinda old, but i never put it up. Here's a "READ" poster we took for the library
I think it's kinda funny.