Also, when and where I'll get it, I don't know, but I want "Human beings in the mob. What's a mob to a king? What's a king to a God? What's a God to a nonbeliever? Who don't believe in...anything?" as my next tattoo.
I'll admit, the minute she came at me with the needle, my stomach dropped. I was like "Oh shit, this is it." but it wasn't all that painful at all. It was more annoying than anything after a while. The O stung like a bitch though, it's closer to the back of my arm. And when she filled in the letters, that was probably the worst. That was the only part that bled, the W bled a bit.
I didn't bleed when I got my tattoo. I just got really cold and pale. But like you said, it wasn't painful, it was annoying, the most annoying being right over the spine.
But Erik, the tattoo definitely looks like the picture.
if its what you want thats cool...but you really should have waited till you were so happy i never got tatted when i was younger....i have a feeling this you may regret...hopefully not...but congrats on the first one
This is not aimed at Erik and is in no way related to this thread at all, it is just a passing thought, but I have a nasty scar on my hand from something stupid I did when I was about 18-20.Most people don't notice it, and very few know how I got it.I could have it removed or tidied up with cosmetic surgery, but I choose to keep it as a reminder of how senseless I was at one time
I have a scar on my chin from me being a dumbass on the railroad tracks when I was little. If I had gotten stitches I wouldn't of had one, but I was too afraid of them so the doctor super glued back together instead, haha.
This is not aimed at Erik and is in no way related to this thread at all, it is just a passing thought, but I have a nasty scar on my hand from something stupid I did when I was about 18-20.Most people don't notice it, and very few know how I got it.I could have it removed or tidied up with cosmetic surgery, but I choose to keep it as a reminder of how senseless I was at one time
did the sheep fight back? how many times do i have to tell you - you have to sedate them first!
) ) :-j
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
I have a scar on my chin from me being a dumbass on the railroad tracks when I was little. If I had gotten stitches I wouldn't of had one, but I was too afraid of them so the doctor super glued back together instead, haha.
lol wtf? super glue?
i got you all beat, i have a scar on my face about the size of a nickel or a quarter. and i must've lost some skin or something when it happened cause my eyelid doesn't close all the way anymore. nobody even notices that until i point it out though. i got around 40 stitches. you can clearly see the scar in the pics i posted a while back.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Thanks though.
I know you love them but you've only listened to them for like half a year.......
It's a fucking O shaped as a donut to spell out OF, it's not like I just got a donut tattoo, quit talking out of your ass.
Thank you!
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
But Erik, the tattoo definitely looks like the picture.
passing thought, but I have a nasty scar on my hand from something stupid I did when I was about 18-20.Most people don't notice it, and very few know how I got it.I could have it removed or tidied up with cosmetic surgery, but I choose to keep it as a reminder of how senseless I was at one time
i got you all beat, i have a scar on my face about the size of a nickel or a quarter. and i must've lost some skin or something when it happened cause my eyelid doesn't close all the way anymore. nobody even notices that until i point it out though. i got around 40 stitches. you can clearly see the scar in the pics i posted a while back.