meh, eriks ink means something to him. something i dont relate to personally but its cool.
as for me, slap chop saved my life. yall know how fucking long it took to dice shit before this? thank you based vince. shamwow on the other hand can suck my balls.
They were able to get footprints of the baby so we are getting those done with his name in script under it and a bright spring green that will fade out starting from the center.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
My tattoo artist is goat btw. He drew this and offered for someone to get it tatted for $300 total. Was seriously thinkin bout it for a while. :-? But nah. Still tho. \m/
I get my memorial tattoo Friday. I'm excited about that.
I have been trying to figure out for the last couple of years what color half sleeve I want and when I was driving last night it hit me during winds of plague chest and horns song. The final line kind fits a lot of what I have been going through and I have a very clear picture of what I want. " here I am despite what you think holding strong while the unchained anchor sinks" I'm going to talk to my tattoo artist about it while im getting the memorial tattoo.
I'm picturing an anchor done super realistic in grey scale which the chain links shattering above it with bright blues around it for the water. I want a bright red maybe with some purples thrown in octopus to be wrapped around the anchor. I'm going to look for more in the background and I'm trying to decide on a subtle way to include the lyric.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
as for me, slap chop saved my life. yall know how fucking long it took to dice shit before this? thank you based vince. shamwow on the other hand can suck my balls.
I have been trying to figure out for the last couple of years what color half sleeve I want and when I was driving last night it hit me during winds of plague chest and horns song. The final line kind fits a lot of what I have been going through and I have a very clear picture of what I want. " here I am despite what you think holding strong while the unchained anchor sinks" I'm going to talk to my tattoo artist about it while im getting the memorial tattoo.
I'm picturing an anchor done super realistic in grey scale which the chain links shattering above it with bright blues around it for the water. I want a bright red maybe with some purples thrown in octopus to be wrapped around the anchor. I'm going to look for more in the background and I'm trying to decide on a subtle way to include the lyric.