How are they going to have an all Knockouts Pay Per View when they are firing half their talent and only have 8 or so knockouts, didn't they see how bad the All ECW pay per view was?
So Mick Foley is going to be in town Monday night at a local library for a book signing and a lecture.
"The fierce, fearless, and sometimes self-destructive man behind the personas of Cactus Jack, Mankind, and Dude Love, Mick Foley remains the undisputed literary king of the ring. In this mesmerizing memoir (hand-written, no ghost writer), Foley chronicles the heart-pounding buildup to his TNA debut, Lockdown, one of the most important matches of his long and storied career. His every limit is tested as he comes out of retirement and overcomes a host of injuries to get back in the ring with one of his most formidable opponents. He also dishes previously untold stories from his remarkable life, including his transition from the WWE to TNA, his stint as a ringside announcer, his tumultuous relationship with Vince McMahon, his thoughts and feelings on the use of steroids in wrestling, the tragic story of Chris Benoit, and his soul-saving charity work in Sierra Leone. "
I think I might have to go to this. A chance to meet Mick Foley? Fucking right. It says he will sign one piece of wrestling memorabilia.
I'm thinking I should bring my adult size attitude championship belt for him to sign.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
I'd like to bring something unique for Mick to sign but the only wrestling items I own are some wwe dvds, tna dvds, I have a sunmerslam chair from a ppv I went too, an Austin 316 foam middle finger and my attitude belt.
Although I do have a best of Raw WWF dvd which might be cool for him to sign.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
for those that have never seen the full clip, here's a link to the full promo where CM Punk signed his WWE contract on the ROH World Title
well looks like all is good in TNA land as lethal re won the x divsion title on sat. From reports, it looks like it was Red won in NYC his home town, and Lethal won it in Rahway which is close to where he's from
So I'm watching my dvr recording of raw and just before the start of the sheamus khali match michael cole and and king did a full promo for mick foleys new book. They even called the book by it's name which is "countdown to lockdown" which mick talks about his big match vs sting at lockdown. Also his transition from wwe to tna.
I'm just shocked they plugged a tna wrestlers new book. Very classy on vinces part. Foley must have left on good terms.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
So I'm watching my dvr recording of raw and just before the start of the sheamus khali match michael cole and and king did a full promo for mick foleys new book. They even called the book by it's name which is "countdown to lockdown" which mick talks about his big match vs sting at lockdown. Also his transition from wwe to tna.
I'm just shocked they plugged a tna wrestlers new book. Very classy on vinces part. Foley must have left on good terms.
I know Mick left on good terms, in fact if he wanted I bet Vince would allow him to work both companies at the same time(not really, it would never happen but Vince and Mick are on good terms so I made a wild comparasin), Mick is just that kind of guy, Vince allowing it to be plugged on Raw isn't much of a surprise since he is still in WWE's Legacy Video at the beginning of every show, when Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Jim Ross, and Randy Savage have been removed since it started being used.
I knew Bearer was pull that shit. After 13 years, im still digging the Taker/Kane angle. Cena being a member of Nexus now should be interesting. Im pretty sure the two guys that interfered were Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty. But it happened so quickly it was hard to tell.
John will be happy to know that the ROH show he went to in Plymoth Mass has been named "Fade To Black" Release date is unknown at this point, but it prob will be bundled with the PPV from the next night, still same price as reg dvds
Unless they wrestled naked or have a dildo in the vag match.
"The fierce, fearless, and sometimes self-destructive man behind the personas of Cactus Jack, Mankind, and Dude Love, Mick Foley remains the undisputed literary king of the ring. In this mesmerizing memoir (hand-written, no ghost writer), Foley chronicles the heart-pounding buildup to his TNA debut, Lockdown, one of the most important matches of his long and storied career. His every limit is tested as he comes out of retirement and overcomes a host of injuries to get back in the ring with one of his most formidable opponents. He also dishes previously untold stories from his remarkable life, including his transition from the WWE to TNA, his stint as a ringside announcer, his tumultuous relationship with Vince McMahon, his thoughts and feelings on the use of steroids in wrestling, the tragic story of Chris Benoit, and his soul-saving charity work in Sierra Leone. "
I think I might have to go to this. A chance to meet Mick Foley? Fucking right. It says he will sign one piece of wrestling memorabilia.
I'm thinking I should bring my adult size attitude championship belt for him to sign.
Although I do have a best of Raw WWF dvd which might be cool for him to sign.
I'm just shocked they plugged a tna wrestlers new book. Very classy on vinces part. Foley must have left on good terms.
Section A, row F, seats 4, 5, and 6. I'm excited.