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Wrestling thread WWE & AEW



  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    I guess AEW is better??? Believe me I love watching idiots that can’t work get dropped on their head every week. 

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    NOCAP said:
    Watch in silence nigga if you care that much. I’ll take Book over Excalibur’s mark ass screaming in my ear about some bullshit that happened in a high school gym show 10 years ago. When I watch I’m watching the product and the matches and stories have been S tier. 
    If it’s that bad that I have to mute it, when the audio and presentation is 50% of the product, it is not worth my attention. And Excalibur is AEW’s worst announcer, but he’s infinitely better than Booker T and at least doesn’t sound like a mentally handicapped crackhead.
    NOCAP said:
    I guess AEW is better??? Believe me I love watching idiots that can’t work get dropped on their head every week. 
    WWE has brainwashed you faggots into liking shit wrestling. Every match is either a snooze fest or finisher spam. I watched half of wrestlemania and summerslam this year out of curiosity and almost fell asleep. Not a single banger between both shows. AEW might swing too hard the other direction and is TOO out of control but at least it's not boring as fuck
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    What are you watching? Every one of these indie matches are the same. No storytelling and finisher or big move spam then kick out at two. 

    You're acting like WWE is putting on Brett vs Steve Austin every pay per view. They spend half the match doing basic ass shit like clotheslines and Dwayne Johnson punches, then after a kickout at 2 spend 5 minutes zoomed in on the wrestlers shocked reaction faces like a bad soap opera. Then the Dusty ass finishes with the bloodline/judgement day/whatever stable is involved.

    If you don't think AEW has good storytelling in their matches you haven't been paying attention. Orange Cassidy told a story for almost a year of being worn down due to being a fighting champion, then got absolutely destroyed by Moxley despite going against his gimmick and going try hard for once. Swerve vs Hangman told a great story of Hangman going back to his old ways while trying to stay relevant after fans thought he was washed and thinking Swerve should be pushed more. 
    I enjoy a wrestling match most when I see something I haven't seen before. Obviously wrestlers have their movesets they use frequently including their finishers and signature moves. Young Bucks/Usos are gonna superkick, Roman is gonna spear, Kenny Omega is gonna snapdragon Suplex, Adam Cole is gonna do a Canadian Destroyer. But when wrestlers pepper in moves that aren't done as frequently or done in a new and interesting way that's what keeps my attention. 

    Watching something like Roman vs Lesnar or Roman vs Cody at Wrestlemania, their flagship event, and seeing absolutely nothing done in the ring that I haven't seen before. Nothing new or interesting. Not a unique slam or submission hold. Not a Cody cutter off of some weird spot from the outside. Same old shit. 
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    Wrestling is supposed to look like a real fight with real drama. That flippy shit is hokey as fuck and makes wrestling look bad. The guys on AEW don’t even try to hide how bad it looks. Yes there are some guys that can work on their programs but for the most part is the same old shit. Oh cool Moxley walking around like he’s drunk bleeding again. Tope suicida on a group of five men waiting to catch you? Check. Endless super kicks since that move means absolutely nothing now? Check. Canadian destroyer but it’s only a two count? Check. Shit is embarrassing to watch at times but the marks love it because uncle Dave will give them their five stars. 

    NOCAP said:
    Endless super kicks since that move means absolutely nothing now? Check. 
    Lmao you know the Usos exist right? 

    Roman is a part time champion and you don't see him for months on end just for him to come back and have the same boring ass match he's had for the last few years. 10 minute entrance? Check. A few punches then roll to the outside? Check. Announcer table spot? Check. Bloodline interference? Check.

    You fucking marks have been brainwashed into thinking a boring ass match with nothing happening is "good story" 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    There is absolutely nothing that looks like a real fight about a WWE match lmfao. 
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    No fucking shit. Not anymore because the business has been water down to where it all looks phony as fuck. At least WWE tries to tell a story to keep people invested. The neckbeard indie marks only want 5 star bangers that mean nothing and that shit hurt wrestling as a whole. If I see a nigga go through a table then get hit with a finisher and kicks out at two I’m changing the channel. Niggas calling Omega a goat when this the same nigga that wrestled a blowup doll and a little girl. These the same dudes that will cheer on a match where someone is “wrestling” the invisible man. It’s all fun and games to them and nothing should be serious. Foh with that. 

  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    Oh god you’re definitely a Cornette mark I can’t tell the way you talk about them and AEW =))
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    NOCAP said:
     It’s all fun and games to them and nothing should be serious.
    My brother in Christ it is literally play fighting.
    Oh god you’re definitely a Cornette mark I can’t tell the way you talk about them and AEW =))
    You can always tell a Cornette mark because they'll be a dude in their 20s talking like a boomer 
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    I saw you playing Fight Forever the other day and I was like wtf? But makes sense now lol 
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    I miss when Charlotte had the balloon tiddies

    @That_Guy_Arlo Iron Claw looks fucking goooood. Just watched the trailer today. 
    Apparently the Broncos partnered with CMLL in Mexico and they're doing a wrestling match at halftime =))) kinda sick ngl

  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,652 moneytalker
    Local wrestling tonight. 

    Pass the god damn butter.
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