Not really. He’s old as fuck and at the end of his career anyways lmao, not much to really tarnish. His ceiling at this point in his career would have been to win the title at last year’s Mania to cap off that return/Rumble run. But they squandered that in favor of more Roman cocksucking. He’ll without a doubt do a program wit Christian and come full circle.
If anything tho, it does further establish AEW’s status as the official landing spot for all of WWE’s washed up has-beens and shoulda-coulda-wouldas.
AEW is having Eddie Kingston vs Suzuki on youtube for free before Dynamite and NXT and AEW both already announced they are going commercial free for the first 30 minutes.
MFs also teased The Undertaker for their developmental show ) it's no Monday Night War but it's funny to see what both companies do to be petty
Well as far as NXT, I actually recently looked that up myself because I was curious wtf was going on. Becky Lynch is currently NXT champion and all these main roster guys were floating back and forth to NXT. So I’m thinking wtf were they demoted or what’s going on? Well I guess WWE has been in the process of trying to now sell it as the official third brand and not developmental, hence why all the big boys have been going over there. So they may be overloading it for this specific NXT jus because of AEW being on the same day this week, but the main roster guys are nothing new.
Nobody’s crying lmfao NXT is fucking horrible and Booker T is the worst announcer in wrestling and borderline retarded and makes it virtually unwatchable. I literally don’t know how the fuck he still has the job. Don’t nobody wanna hear that retarded faggot scream “OH YESSSSS” and “SHUCKY DUCKY QUACK QUACK CHAMPAGNE WISHES AND CAVIAR DREAMS MAAAAAN” completely out of context a million fucking times for 2 hours.
Vic Joseph constantly claps back at him and I 100% believe that shit is unscripted and he legitimately responds in complete disgust and disbelief of the absolutely braindead nonsense that comes out of that retard’s mouth. I get secondhand embarrassment jus listening to it let alone having to work wit it.
Watch in silence nigga if you care that much. I’ll take Book over Excalibur’s mark ass screaming in my ear about some bullshit that happened in a high school gym show 10 years ago. When I watch I’m watching the product and the matches and stories have been S tier.
If anything tho, it does further establish AEW’s status as the official landing spot for all of WWE’s washed up has-beens and shoulda-coulda-wouldas.
MFs also teased The Undertaker for their developmental show