1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
edited June 2013
Really old news mainly directed towards a few people, but if anybody goes back to Universal Studios Orlando, there are secret songs to choose from on Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit...
#713 – The Wicker Man by Iron Maiden
EDIT: Should still work. It did in the summer of 2011 when I last went.
I really like the trains on this.
#713 – The Wicker Man by Iron Maiden
EDIT: Should still work. It did in the summer of 2011 when I last went.
Outlaw Run \m/
its like 2 and a half
I'll check on Google maps [-(
Only time I ever road a roller coaster I chundered everywhere
Titling you seats to stare straight down over 300 feet
Well heading down tomorrow but I'm going to the park Friday
Baroness on their day off.