They are sinking so much into it nothing else is happening with the park. Islands hasn't added any kind of major coaster since open and the good rides are wearing out and they are removing them from other parts of the park. Its no secret I don't like harry potter but they are making it so I have no reason to return. Obviously its a money maker for them is why they are expanding upon it and if people want to go so be it I don't expect them to change because of me buy I wont be there.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
They're trying to go more Disney's route with the theming rather than who can build the coolest roller coaster. If they weren't, they'd be getting run out of Orlando. I do agree that they could put in a major ride, but a smaller coaster with Gringott's and this expansion is fine with me.
It doesn't even have to be a coaster they are neglecting everything else. Its pretty sad. Disney can fuck off too I've never wanted to go there. For the most part all of Florida can fuck off. Only reason I have to go there is Busch gardens and even then I've already been.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
Thanks! I made my friend whose not too keen on heights enter just so he could take me if he won. Only twelve people win and they get to bring one guest :-q
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