watched social network tonite, man that zucker kid is a fag. most overhyped movie since batman. i give it 2/5 stars
=D> Finally, someone else who isn't beat for this film! This film is soo overrated it's laughable. I can name 10 movies that were better than this boring crap last year.
i havent seen the kings speech, but i doubt it, TSN was such a waist of $7 dollars at the theater. yeah, i use FB all the time and yeah it's a great website, but that movie is a fraud. The only reason it was hyped is because FB is popular. The storyline was boring, The acting was good, but the charaters were boring. SO glad this movie didnt win best picture that would have been more of a fraud then when Goodfellas didn't win it.
lol, i wasnt tryna how her, someone emailed me pics of kesha cause i told my buddy she was alright, then i seen that and was extremely taken back. my bad yo, wasnt tryna popshit, the truth is in the photoz
that was some sheer carnage bro! straight up cannibal corpse type shit! mixed wiff naked dimez! fuck yeah! i wish i would have seen that shit in the theater, crazy ass movie! that jawn riley steele was hookin up with has hott as shit. lolz
Also, Unknown was badass. Going to see Battle LA whenever I'm not working.
that was some sheer carnage bro! straight up cannibal corpse type shit! mixed wiff naked dimez! fuck yeah! i wish i would have seen that shit in the theater, crazy ass movie! that jawn riley steele was hookin up with has hott as shit. lolz