the oscars are the only good award show period. but i want real hosts, these two are going to be boring as shit..
actually, the Indie Spirits Awards are the only ones that is really worth watching, since its on ifc and swearing is encouraged. hell, this was one of joel mchale's monologue jokes (with both recipiants in the room too)
"Black Swan, or as its otherwise known as that movie where the girl from That 70's Show eats out Luke Skywalker's girlfirend"
I don't really care for the Oscars because they like to pull bullshit tricks like the Grammy's. I still watch every year because I'm curious who will get hoed.
I loved Taken, and Neeson fucking rulez, i wanted to see it last weekend, but my brother already seen it, so I went to see Hall Pass, which was funny, but I really gotta see Unknown this week, I've had my eye on this film for months.
after dark films' Scream of the Banshee will be airing on SyFy on March 26th. im hoping this is actually gonna be a good movie made by after dark. after dark films is different then after dark horrorfest btw. after dark films is the same company but they produce their own movies. Husk wasn't completely terrible. 51 looked aweful (i didnt see it). i heard Prowl was terrible too, but i still wanna see that one.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Early Battle LA reviews are coming in. From reading, its your mindless action movie with bad dialogue, no character development ect. Basically a good time at the movies
"Black Swan, or as its otherwise known as that movie where the girl from That 70's Show eats out Luke Skywalker's girlfirend"
this is still the best awards speech ive ever seen
its an stay on the edge of your seat kind of movie.
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
yes, this may be the oddest trailer you see all year