Blue Valentine was great. Somewhat depressing, but ive seen worse. Also, as i told Ed, the MPAA has a bunch of pussies. IE this had no reason being NC-17. The sex while i guess somewhat graphic (yes there is female nudity, and yes, it is really Michelle Williams naked and not like a body double), is no where near as bad as other movies and hell shit on HBO and Showtime have been worse.
For those that have never heard of it, Its about the evolution of a relationship. And there is def Awards and Oscar buzz for the 2 leads. I wouldn't be surprised if Ryan Gossling ends up being a star
Also watched "Grown Ups" the other day it was alright, nothing that great.
For those that have never heard of it, Its about the evolution of a relationship. And there is def Awards and Oscar buzz for the 2 leads. I wouldn't be surprised if Ryan Gossling ends up being a star