Next movie i have coming up is Killer Joe with Matthew Mcconhegy. Its from William Friedken of the Exorcist and French Connection and is rated NC-17. Its also really hardcore from what ive heard. comes out friday here
i keep hearing Ryan Reynolds is going to get the lead in the Highlander reboot, and i say fuck Ryan Reynolds he will play a terrible highlander. he should have killed himself after van wilder because he will always just be van wilder to me. i think Christian Bale would make a badass Highlander though
i keep hearing Ryan Reynolds is going to get the lead in the Highlander reboot, and i say fuck Ryan Reynolds he will play a terrible highlander. he should have killed himself after van wilder because he will always just be van wilder to me. i think Christian Bale would make a badass Highlander though
i keep hearing Ryan Reynolds is going to get the lead in the Highlander reboot, and i say fuck Ryan Reynolds he will play a terrible highlander. he should have killed himself after van wilder because he will always just be van wilder to me. i think Christian Bale would make a badass Highlander though
Raiden or GTFO!
christopher lambert is old as fuck now, but im hoping he atleast makes a cameo in it
da fuck you been, broseph?
>:D< >:D< >:D<
i think Christian Bale would make a badass Highlander though
also heard a possible potfest for a sequel to beerfest