anyone ever see An American Haunting? im curious cause apprently i missed a few key pieces of info. happened at the end? LOL. why'd the dad try to kill his daughter? and why were they being haunted in the first place since it wasn't a curse?
If you really want to know what happened you're gona have to read up on the actual story. The movie kindawent in a stupid direction for obvious entertainment purposes. In fact I don't even remember much about it besides they made it seem like the dad was raping his daughter and she was making al the paranormal bs happen herself..which was an lolwut thing for me
even the synopsis has me confused because it says its about the only documented case in america in which a spirit was said to be the cause of death but in the movie the daughter killed her father.
Yeah, movies tend to change what actually happened. It's been a while since I read anything on the actual witch and what happened but they pretty much made the movie dumb.
i heard that a while ago. thats retarded cause it was already remade once as a made for tv movie. the bottom of the barrel in hollywood is officialy gone.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
"are you having a boy or abortion"
patient:......The Aladeen news.....
Doctor:....Your HIV Aladeen....