Alright so I just found this band called "Sentenced". Pretty legit band both aspects that they did. I liked the early death metal but I'm kind of digging the later shit they did a bit more. However they split up due to a member's death and the singer went to Poisonblack which I had heard of however never listened to, I am digging this band as well. For those who have never heard of these bands check em out. Nothing spectacular but definitely two fun bands worth checking out.
meh; Andromeda weren't THAT good (from what i remember)... it's been at least a year and a half since i lost my music.
But i suppose if you're into the whole prog/power thing... you could at least give them a try.
wait, what do you mean you lost your music?
They're death/doom
Check out Katatonia and Novembre.
melodic blackened death, really fucking good if you can get past the meh vocals