eric your just to young to understand and appreciate what it was like when slipknots first to albums came out....them and SOAD were at there peak at the time.....and let me tell you when they toured together well there is only one show that can beat that and it was tool....there first 2 are hands down better than VOL 3 and AHIG combined
before i liked slipknot .
First 2 albums are shit. AHIG is win and more mature Music.
And SOAD is absolute garbage.
Why yes, yes he did. Now excuse me while I slam my face on the coffee table in response.
That's better then some of the shit you listen to
Oh no you di'int!
First 2 albums are shit. AHIG is win and more mature Music.
I'm sorry, at which part did I get asshurt at?
when I said "oh yeah, cause you would know a LOT about maturity.",
I meant that as a snappy one-liner.