oh and on erik....hes what 14? alot of kids are against all drugs when they are that age.....kinda hypocritical if you ask me since he "drinks".....what they need to realize is that weed is a plant...in fact its not a drug at all (IMO) and IMO booze is more of a drug than weed is.....but that is just how kids think because they are young and haven't experienced shit and think they know everything about everything....hell i was the same way....until i turned 13 and tried booze and pot and found out how awesome dey was.,.....happy 420 eve everyone!
What are you and ape having a dick sucking contest erik? Both of you are just flat out dumb. Once again i don't give a fuck what you think about weed but when you call me pathetic thats when you've said too much.
Yea....I drink. But uhh pal? I'm not obsessed with it at all, if I was told there was absolutely no way for me to drink for the rest of my life, I could care less. Last time I heavily drank was New Year's Eve, other than that, there was like one night a few weeks ago that I got a bit buzzed. Am I dependant on it? Not one fucking bit. Do I get asshurt if people talk shit about alcohol? NOPE.
erik your young.....booze gains dependency over year of young teenage drinking....just cause you dont do it much and think you can go with out it now doesn't mean you wont as you get older gain a dependency
Dick sucking contest? Flat out dumb? Why? Because we're not brainwashed by a plant? I know the dude bashes me a lot, but I like him nonetheless, and he's right a lot of the time, especially in this thread.
And I call you pathetic because you are! Fucking absolutely gay for weed. I bet you'd commit suicide if all the weed in the world was destroyed and you couldn't have it anymore. Or you'd move on to crack just to keep getting high.
You don't even talk about anything BUT weed. It's pretty fucking sad.
2 most pathetic groups of people out there are juggalos and the major stoners.
And you call me pathetic
i lol
Fucking pathetic.
super sour lemon haze
very nice
maybe because he got the last word in....
Jesus christ it's the damn internet suck it up you pathetic burnout.
And I call you pathetic because you are! Fucking absolutely gay for weed. I bet you'd commit suicide if all the weed in the world was destroyed and you couldn't have it anymore. Or you'd move on to crack just to keep getting high.
You don't even talk about anything BUT weed. It's pretty fucking sad.
2 most pathetic groups of people out there are juggalos and the major stoners.