5 days.
For an absolute bullshit reason. I've been riding the waves and being a good boy 'til the end of the year just to get it over with since we only have a little over a month left. Raised my grades, been going to school every day. Everything.
Now today, I wore my God Dethroned shirt that says "We Died In Hell.....They Called It Passchendaele.". on the back, guessed it!
Fuck this shit. I can't stand this concentration camp school anymore. My principal has shit against me for no reason. Says she's sick of my disruptions and my ignorance, when I'm NEVER in the cunt's office. I hardly ever get in trouble other than an occasional detention for tardies. So she made shit up.
I refused to remove the shirt. I straight up told her that: A: I've worn another shirt that says hell on it, my Lamb Of God one that says Walk With Me In Hell, which the assistant principal read and said it was fine. B: Hell is in the fucking bible. C: Hell isn't a swear word.

You wouldn't get pissed if I wore a shirt that said heaven. E: There's a fucking poster in the History class with a soldier wearing a helmet that says VERY CLEARLY "War Is HELL.". and lastly, F: This is a somewhat patriotic shirt as the whole album is based on the battle at Passchendaele in World War 1.
School officials can suck my fucking dick.
[dun dun]
Baaaaaaaad company! He can't deny.
My teacher was like "If that's his belief and he rejects Chrsitianity, let it be, it's not your decision." I was like......WIN.
Mr. Conolley FTW. Him and Ms. Martin are the shit. Ms. Martin is badass, she's like a student that is somehow teaching us lol, you can swear in front of her and she won't give a fuck. She lets us listen to MP3 players too, she was like "Now I know that the school's policy is to not let you listen to them, and that they are "distractions", but you know what? I truly believe that it does help some of you kids concentrate, so while you're in my class, you can listen to them." so I'll be sitting there for 50 minutes listening to albums every day while doing mah work lol.
Could be part of the problem......instead of just following the rules for the little bit of time you're there you waste more time and effort looking for a way to bypass all the rules. It'd be alot easier just to do what they say for the 6 or so hours you're there.