Damn. The Yankees aren't gonna be the same without Jeter. We'll prolly be better off with a younger guy at short but no one can replace Jeter. Fuck, they should give him Cashman's job. Anyone's qualified. All you gotta do is hand out money.
Cuz I don't live in NY? Ky. I been going to Yankees games since I was 5. Used to go every summer when I was a kid, although I haven't been since I was 17. I been to over a dozen Yankees games, plus two playoff games against the Angels in Anaheim. They're the only sports franchise I care about.
I watch when they're on MLB network, ESPN, TBS, or fox so like 2-3 times a week. I don't have YES anymore, used to at my parents house. Your full of shit if you say you watch every single game. That, or you're a fucking loser. If all you do is watch baseball from 7-10pm every night, you need to find somethin else to do.