Ozzfest started because Perry Ferrell didn't want Ozzy on Lollapallooza. So Sharon was like "OH FUCK NO HE DIDN'T *snaps fingers in z motion*" and made Ozzfest. I don't think the fest has ever run smoothly but when shit starts getting thrown at bands on stage (aka Iron Maiden), that's when the poor factor comes in. Not only that I've heard things about a certain band having a really really bad time on the fest. I think they really couldn't afford something and Sharon or someone didn't want to help out so they dropped off? I don't remember exactly but it was something along those lines..
As soon as it's available I am getting the best tickets possible. There is NO way the lineup can suck with Ozzy and Gus G.
5 or 6 more dates is quite a lot.
I mean mayhem has 26
ozzfest could finish in about half a month if they really wanted to
IMO their marketing is horrible
THAT'S why it's poorly run.
IMO their marketing is horrible"
It has nothing to do with them being poorly run, they just got off to a bad start. It wasn't going to be a fantastic return to glory anyway.
In 2008 Mayhem had a Ride Your Favorite Porn Star skate booth. It was decks with pics of porn stars on it.
The Iron Maiden incident pretty much fucked them over.