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    MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,551 spicy boy
    Erik, what do you do for work again? How can you afford this shit all the time? Legitimately wondering
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
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    EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,606 jayfacer
    I been doing Amazon delivery which now has to switch to part time for barber school but like I said I have a decent ass savings accumulated so I’m not living paycheck to paycheck. The drums in particular tho I won’t lie I dipped into the life insurance policy for it. I’ve done nothing but responsible spending wit it, taking care of the car, tuition, invested in stocks, etc. all moves to further grow it, so I treated myself wit a little of it cause I been wanting a drumset again for a long long time now. My studio is pretty much 100% complete and filled now and there’s no need for any further purchases unless something needs repair or replacement, so that in itself is a big bill that jus got knocked off for me.
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    EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,606 jayfacer
    But also on top of that I always try to make as much passive money as possible at all times. My savings is sitting in a 5% APY account so that’s always growing, I make every single purchase on credit cards and immediately pay em off and that has accumulated to thousands back in rewards so that’s all money that I made for spending it, and I’ve also gotten in a pretty good DraftKings rhythm and have over $1K accumulated on my bankroll. If I would have had more balls and placed bigger bets on some of those I easily could have been at $10K-$20K on there but the focus has been slow and steady so I don’t lose my shit about losses.
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