Yeah... I don't really have much sympathy or care for those that are mentally handicapped.
Dude.... Wtf?
So seriously if your GF was prego, and you found out in the first trimester that your kid would be majorly mentally handicapped and never be able to care for itself..... You 100% would want your GF to not abort? Seriously?
no..that's my child and I will take care of it Without religion playing a factor that's my kid....there is a heartbeat at I believe 4 I said whether you agree or disagree heartbeat is life...I will raise that child
My wife and I had a talk a while ago about something similar to this, and she said she would absolutely not abort. No matter how mentally handicapped they were. I decided not to tell her what I really thought on the subject because it isn't relevant to my life since we don't have a mentally handicapped child.
Abortion is one of those topics I feel truly conflicted about. On one hand, I'm all for killing babies. On the other, its giving women more rights, which is a step in the wrong direction.
I had a friend that had her handle as "NIGGER!" back in the MySpace days. She wasn't a racist, she just wanted a reaction. The threats people sent to her were fuckin hilarious
I like wake and all but I think it's hilarious that he tries to give relationship advice but then is always talking about stuff he doesn't tell his wife )
I like wake and all but I think it's hilarious that he tries to give relationship advice but then is always talking about stuff he doesn't tell his wife )
She'll whoop his ass that's why Wake is just playing the game just like me FOr instance all you people on here YOU DON'T EXIST
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Here is a relationship tip- if you are speaking about some stupid hypothetical situation and your decision in this made up world is "I'd fucking dump your sorry ass", keep that shit to yourself. Women are irrational and will actually end relationships over really stupid shit a guy says. Alex knows what's up )
Don't believe me, try it. Tell your GF or wife something truly offensive to her. If she is pro life, tell her if she ever gets prego and you don't want it, she must get an abortion or you will dump her sorry ass. Tell me how that works out for you
Sometimes it's better to not bring something up when you know it'll upset the other person doe. Especially when it's not important at all.
Exactly. Thanks distance. Me telling my wife I'd divorce her in some stupid hypothetical situation is stupid. I have nothing to gain from saying that, so I keep my mouth shut.
So Distance..did you have a nice day at work? Shame on that bitch fucking you over and tricking you with days BTW..Did you get our beloved Catz that photo he wants?
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Well I don't get you previous comment then. Never said my life was perfect nor that I'm an expert at relationships. I'm free to have an opinion like everyone else though
You know in general I think you might get better relationship advice from someone who has had a billon failed relationships, as opposed to someone who's had one very successful relationship. In general, knowledge and learning comes from failure. Those that get it right without failure probably just got lucky
My wife and I have 1 rule mind you we have been together sonce I was 18..she was (that's not important) 1 rule NO BARS BARS ARE BAD!!!!!!!!!!! Esp. when you look like she does Yo Whenever I went to a bar with her I always got in a fight Drunk fucks couldn't keep that mouth shut..We still go together sometimes I've learned to control my temper Also my big biceps is a detterant for drunk horny slobs
Abortions stop people like you from existing
Wake is just playing the game
just like me
FOr instance
all you people on here
Don't believe me, try it. Tell your GF or wife something truly offensive to her. If she is pro life, tell her if she ever gets prego and you don't want it, she must get an abortion or you will dump her sorry ass. Tell me how that works out for you
From now on
nothing but nice shit from me
Shame on that bitch fucking you over and tricking you with days
BTW..Did you get our beloved Catz that photo he wants?
We had beer and finger food and everything
You know in general I think you might get better relationship advice from someone who has had a billon failed relationships, as opposed to someone who's had one very successful relationship. In general, knowledge and learning comes from failure. Those that get it right without failure probably just got lucky
mind you we have been together sonce I was 18..she was (that's not important)
1 rule
BARS ARE BAD!!!!!!!!!!!
Esp. when you look like she does
Whenever I went to a bar with her I always got in a fight
Drunk fucks couldn't keep that mouth shut..We still go together sometimes
I've learned to control my temper
Also my big biceps is a detterant for drunk horny slobs