When courtney and I first started dating and we were still in that awkward phase where you're afraid to do something wrong in front of the other. We were laying in my bed and out of no where the biggest sneeze ever appeared. Cause a sneeze/fart. And not just any fart. It was loud as fuck. Courtney immediately started busting out laughing and couldn't stop for a half hour. I was a bit embarrassed at first but after 10 minutes of her laughing I got a little annoyed. From that point forward it has been open season and I don't hold back. If she says something about it I snap back with. " you did this to yourself..."
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
id give 0 fucks about girls farting, i think farting is always funny.. one thing that bothers me tho and its hard sometimes is im a picky eater and when the person im seeing is eating something i dont like.. id ont wanna kiss them after... especially tuna gross
When courtney and I first started dating and we were still in that awkward phase where you're afraid to do something wrong in front of the other. We were laying in my bed and out of no where the biggest sneeze ever appeared. Cause a sneeze/fart. And not just any fart. It was loud as fuck. Courtney immediately started busting out laughing and couldn't stop for a half hour. I was a bit embarrassed at first but after 10 minutes of her laughing I got a little annoyed. From that point forward it has been open season and I don't hold back. If she says something about it I snap back with. " you did this to yourself..."
I can cook steak :-?