Marc broke his accidently. And it wasn't because of a sneeze. His friends and myself were in the kitchen searching for food and Marc was sitting in the living room hooking the PS3 or Xbox up. So evidently he was aware no one was around. I guess I sounded like a mouse coming back to the living room because he lifted up on ass cheek slightly and let out one very loud fart. I started laughing and he turned around real quick like a deer in headlights and his face started turning beet red. His friends wondered what was so funny so they came in. I told them and they seen Marc's face and they started laughing
I had to fart one time while at the bottom of a squat at the gym, and there was a fucking BAD bitch in the smith machine next to me, so I'm like OHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCK, So, I let the bar fall off my back and slam onto the safety rack, and farted as it collided. Problemsolved.jpg.
Well thanks to that moment courtney and I shared if I am driving ill lock the windows rip ass and when she panics.. remember that time you thought it was funny?
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I had to fart one time while at the bottom of a squat at the gym, and there was a fucking BAD bitch in the smith machine next to me, so I'm like OHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCK, So, I let the bar fall off my back and slam onto the safety rack, and farted as it collided. Problemsolved.jpg.
psh , you can wtf my comment all you want, haha. we're comfortable around each other, i mean.. he watched me have a c-section, and all the nastiness after having a baby. but i'm SO glad he doesn't fart around me.. lol.
On a related note, I used a headset when I skype people and I enjoy taking a piss while on skype and leaving whoever I'm talking with stuck with hearing me.
Comparing alcohol to steroids might be the dumbest comparison ever. Also, I dont give a fuck if some nobody like you uses steroids. I could care less. Just keep it out of pro sports.
Comparing alcohol to steroids might be the dumbest comparison ever. Also, I dont give a fuck if some nobody like you uses steroids. I could care less. Just keep it out of pro sports.
Thank you for proving the point of the meme. Those are supplements retard, not steroids.
Comparing alcohol to steroids might be the dumbest comparison ever. Also, I dont give a fuck if some nobody like you uses steroids. I could care less. Just keep it out of pro sports.
Thank you for proving the point of the meme. Those are supplements retard, not steroids.
I didn't fucking look at the labels because frankly I dont care that much. And your meme is retarded. No one thinks supplements kill. Find one person here thats said that. Go ahead i'll wait.
Live stream of Samsung's conference in 15 minutes.
Was one of my favorite funny moments in life
its the same font
...i need to get laid