So every year there's a party at my house and the neighbors across the street. There' a banner that crosses from my room to their house that's half maize and blue, half scarlett and grey, shit goes all out. Anyway, every year the exact opposite of this picture happens. Feelsgoodman
It's not appropriate to brag about winning one game in eight years. It's kind of stupid actually. Ohio doesn't even have a coach, right? So drop it all. Ohip put up a good fight and I'm always going to bleed scarlet and grey.♥
She kept saying Michigan fans need to stop bragging and saying "I've seen like 70 statuses, it's ridiculous you shouldn't be bragging that much"
I told she's stupid if she didn't think the exact same thing would happen if Ohio State won. It's just different when you're on the other side for 7 years.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Just watched luck toss the pass to break Elway's TD record
I told she's stupid if she didn't think the exact same thing would happen if Ohio State won. It's just different when you're on the other side for 7 years.
She got mad
I said "u mad"
She said "I'm not even mad. but..RAH RAH RAH"