My 15 year old son found the tub in storage that had my old video game consoles. I had a Genesis, an NES and an Atari 5200. Get got the NES working and cleaned all the games with a Q-tip and rubbing alcohol
I swear I just lost all of my gaming ability. I'm struggling through games that I genuinely shouldn't be finding difficult. I don't understand.
That’s how I feel right now. I’m playing through the OG Crash Bandicoot trilogy and for some reason Warped, which has always been the easiest, is fucking my ass raw
Yea but easy by Crash standards is still hard as fuck lmao whole series is notoriously bogus. Crash 4 was the most recent game that legitimately made me almost break a controller.
True lol I didn’t even attempt Crash 4. I knew I couldn’t put it down unless I hit 100% and when I heard how egregiously disgusting it was for a completionist, I just decided to never play it.
Finished Dark Matter and Prestige Master on BO6 so really started getting fully into Marvel Rivals. Addicted but I really hope they update the battle pass. Currently it’s like Halo Infinite was at first where the only way to earn currency to progress it is thru challenges. That was initially fine, but I’m already done wit the 63 monthly challenges, so I’m at the mercy of waiting for daily challenges to reset. Simply playing after challenges are completed gives you nothing whatsoever but XP towards your level.
Fuck finally got burn in on my OLED. The TV not the monitor. The FPS monitor overlay in the corner burned in. You don’t really see it on any games or movies, it’s only faint shadows on bright white screens like a browser or loading screens, but it still bothers me lmao. It’s like 4 years old so it lasted a while before any issues, but that’s still disappointing af. Guess I should turn the overlay off since that’s the only thing that stays still and fucked it up, but idk I like having it on, it’s a shame it can’t handle that. I heard the newer OLEDs are way better protected against burn in. I was looking at upgrading but I don’t wanna do it til there’s a 240Hz TV, which I know is coming eventually. I have an LG CX which is 120Hz, and the newest model, the C4, is 144Hz. That ain’t enough of an upgrade to justify the cost honestly.
Fuck I left team buddies down there. Almost brought it up. I’m gonna have to go spend the day down there and find everything. Brought up champions for ps2 gonna go ham.
Wish I would have taken care of my shit. Can’t find my n64 games. Can’t find Pokémon colosseum. Mom gave all the Pokémon games from game boy to my cousin who’s mentally a 7 year old his whole life.
Game is fantastic.
Bruh first the bong now the cube??